Saturday, April 26, 2008

Lasik Surgery

Hello fellow classmates,
I read on Time magazine about patients that have had complaints on their lasik surgery. I personally had it last year and I have no regrets. Many of the patients were complaining of having trouble adjusting, especially at night. I have discomfort once in a blue moon, but nothing serious.
Yet most of the complaints were because patients claimed they were not advised of the side affects. For instance the the decline in vision related to age. My aunt got it done last year, she is 45, and she can't see little letters, therefore she wears reading glasses. Yet before the surgery she could not see a thing without the glasses, not even the tiny letters. So in her case, she gained something.
But then, what gets me is that the doctors will make you sign consents where it is states all the possible side affects. The patients complained about how they were not informed. What happened to reading before signing. If one has trouble understanding, then one should ask questions.
Well, just some thoughts.

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