Friday, March 7, 2008

Should Marijuana be legalized?

A couple of weeks ago, I was watching a report on the television about legalizing marijuana. The report presented both sides of the story. If marijuana is indeed legalized, then it would make it that much harder for the government to control who takes it and how much. Then there is the possibility to legalize marijuana just for medical purposes. Patients that are submitted to their chemotherapy usually lose their appetite, many have lost about 80 pounds on average on a period of 5 months. Marijuana helps these patients to regain their appetite.
But let alone the fact of how it can help patients going through chemotherapy or diagnosed with immunosuppresive lupus among other diseases. What about the tax money that is being invested on crimes relating to marijuana. Thousands of people are arrested each year with a count of possesion. And some of these cases are medical related. Needless to say, their are many victims at the cost of marijuana not being legal if at least for medical purposes. For example,take Suzanne Pfeil. She was asleep in her assisted living hospice, the Wo/Men's Alliance for Medical Marijuana (WAMM), when more than 20 armed federal agents stormed into the facility and held an assault rifle to her head.WAMM was well-known as a medical marijuana dispensary and hospice that strictly abided by California state laws regarding medical marijuana Pfeil suffers from post-polio syndrome and is paraplegic. The police officers ordered her to stand, despite the fact that her leg braces and crutches were in plain view. Pfeil tried to explain that she couldn't stand, but the agents handcuffed her behind her back and left her on the bed for several hours.
Since the raid on WAMM, 33 patients have died. (
It is examples such as this one that make me want to consider the idea of legalizing marijuana. I honestly think that that money should be invested on other things such as alcohol. How many accidents are being caused because of alcohol? Shouldn't we set our priorities? I understand that marijuana just as being beneficial, can also be very dangerous.
I woul like to know what you guys think. Am I in the wrong to feel this way?

1 comment:

Oscar said...

I do think marijuana should be legalized at least for medicinal purposes. Marijuana is such a big player in this county's underground economy and if the drug was legalized then people would not have to purchase it from some dealer in the slums (or wherever else they obtain it), but from pharmaceutical companies that would be more than happy to generate a new drug; especially if they could tax it.

That way the government can spend less money fighting the underground and actually turn a profit. Don't get my intensions wrong, I know plenty of things that could be said about this argument such as "what if they use marijuana while driving?" "the public health would be endangered!" "everybody would go out and use it......." etc. But honestly, how many people would go and buy marijuana at the corner store if it was legalized? I didn't purchase cigarettes when I turned 18 (although i bought a lottery ticket). And in other places where marijuana is legal, such as Amsterdam, they have the lowest crime rate out of any other country in the world.

The reason why marijuana is so popular is because it is not legal. Anyone old enough to remember Prohibition?